PMP Practice Exam – Package 2

(1 customer review)
  • 500 up-to-date original questions
  • Turkish and English language options
  • Different question types
  • Different question types including multiple-choice, multiple response, fill-in-the-blank and matching questions.


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PMP Question Bank

You can take your exam preparation one step further with 1000 original Turkish questions that we have specially developed for those who want to prepare for the PMP exam in Turkish. With Turkish and English language support, you can see the questions in both languages during the exam. Thus, you can have the opportunity to master every aspect of the exam and pass your exam with both Turkish and English language knowledge.

The PMP exam is an internationally recognized certificate in the field of project management and understanding the exam format correctly is of critical importance for a successful result. At this point, our Turkish PMP question bank will provide you with a great advantage. The PMP question bank we have prepared is specially designed to better understand the exam format and reinforce the topics. Each package in our question bank contains 5 question sets consisting of 100 questions. Thanks to these packages, you will improve your time management skills, help you overcome your exam anxiety and increase your strategic thinking ability.

Solving plenty of questions is one of the most important steps in the PMP exam preparation process. By solving questions, you can reinforce your knowledge, understand the exam format better, and identify your weaknesses. As you practice, your chances of being more comfortable and successful in the exam will increase. In addition, you can see which topics you are lacking in with reports specially prepared for your exam results, and you can eliminate ambiguities in your questions with detailed explanations of the questions you made wrong.

Haven't you tried the Turkish "PMP question bank" yet?

Before purchasing, you can try our product by accessing our 10-question test for free.

You can reach us for our Project Management and PMP preparation trainings and get support for any questions you have about the certification exam.

Don't forget to visit our frequently asked questions page for your questions about our question simulator!

We are here to help you get the best help on your path to success. We want to equip you with all the resources you need to successfully prepare for the exam. You can contact us for more information and support.

We wish you success!

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    cemaldas (verified owner)

    PMP Sınavına hazırlık için en güzel kaynaklardan biri. Paket2’de yer alan sorular da aynı paket1 gibi sınav içeriğinin tamamını kapsıyor ve konulara göre dağılımları sınavla uyumlu. Yanıt seçenekleri gerçekçi. Aynı sınavı tekrar yaparak daha iyi bir hazırlık imkanına sahip olabiliyorsunuz. Ayrıca Türkçe/İngilizce seçeneği ile ayrı denemeler yaparak sınavda hangisini tercih edebileceğiniz konusunda fikir edinebiliyorsunuz. Soruların yanıtlarını tekrar gözden geçirirken, sistem tarafından iletilen açıklamalar oldukça aydınlatıcı. Emeği olan herkese çok teşekkür ediyorum, ödediğiniz paranın karşılığını fazlası ile alıyorsunuz.

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