Have You Reviewed Our Free PMP Preparation Exam?

  • 10 trial questions
  • Turkish and English language options
  • Answer key with explanations



We are always with you during your PMP Exam Preparation!

Try our application with the free question bank that we have specially prepared to help you during your PMP exam preparation! 10 practice questions, Turkish and English language options and an explanatory answer key allow you to prepare for the exam in the best way.

You can take your PMP Exam with Turkish language support. For those who will take the exam in Turkish, solving Turkish questions and getting familiar with the Turkish version of the terms are of great importance during PMP exam preparation. For this reason, as in the real exam, you can work in Turkish-English while solving your questions in our PMSpeed application. While the questions progress in Turkish, you can convert them to English and see the English version of the questions.

What's in the Free Question Bank?

1. 10 Practice Questions: This free set includes 10 practice questions that are suitable for the PMP exam format. The questions we have prepared to support you during your PMP Exam Preparation process are prepared in a style that you may encounter in the real exam and allow you to test your knowledge level.

2. Turkish and English Language Options: You can solve the questions in both Turkish and English. In this way, you can study according to your language preference and prepare yourself better for the exam.

3. Explanatory Answer Key: Our answer key, which includes detailed explanations of each question, allows you to learn the correct answers and understand the logic of each question. In this way, you will improve your exam strategies and will not have difficulty when you encounter similar questions.

Try it for Free Now!

Try this free question bank now to start preparing for the PMP exam in the best way. With this set, which you can easily access on our website, you can create your exam strategy and test your knowledge level. Our free question bank is a perfect starting point to start your preparation for the PMP exam.

Try Before You Buy Other Packages

With this free question bank, you can experience both the quality of our questions and the functioning of our system. Before purchasing our other packages, you can test our application and make sure that you are using the best resources in your exam preparation. By getting an idea about both the questions and the system, you can make the right decision.

You can access all of our preparatory trainings for PMI Certifications here.

You can always contact us for your questions!

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