Distance Sales Contract

Terms of Use

1- Distance Selling Agreement USER AGREEMENT Purpose:

1.1 This agreement is signed by Arge Group Consultancy Software Promotion and Training Services Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Arge Group") and the End User (Hereinafter referred to as "User") who read the contract and clicked on the acceptance link for the Online Question Simulator Service, the details of which are explained below.

1.2 The End User may benefit from this service after reading and accepting this service agreement and has only the rights specified in the articles of this agreement.

1.3 It's important! Please read this entire Agreement carefully before using this service for the first time. The End User is considered to be aware of the terms of agreement herein from the first use or operation of this Service. He/she is deemed to have read and understood this text and accepted that he/she is bound by the terms herein. If you do not accept these terms, you cannot benefit from the service, watch, follow or use the courses. Any use cases other than these conditions shall be considered as copyright infringement.

1.4 All intellectual and industrial rights related to this service belong to "Arge Group", and in cases of unauthorized use of the work, reproduction, dissemination, offering for sale, etc., legal and criminal sanctions will be applied to the relevant person or persons.

2- User License:

2.1 “Arge Group” stipulates that the questions, software, graphical user interfaces, sounds and videos in the site be used by the end user in accordance with the following provisions:

2.2 The license right provides the end User with the exclusive right to use the work. "Right to Use" includes using, storing, installing, operating and displaying the product as long as it is purchased. The end USER who is granted the right to license cannot modify the work, reproduce the work, disseminate the work, make it available to others, create a new work by using the work, or disable any of the license or control features of the work.

3- User Rights:

3.1 Whether this product is purchased individually or institutionally, it is registered by "Arge Group" officials to a single real person and can only be used by that person within the specified period.

3.2 User, who believes that he/she has sufficient information about the product and system requirements, logs in to www.pmspeed.com to obtain his/her password and User name.

3.3 User who logs in to the system selects the service he/she wants to purchase, registers as a member by following the instructions, makes the payment and purchases the service. The end user follows this service within the specified period. He/she cannot made available to others, he/she cannot rent it.

4- Features of the product:

4.1 It includes the online question service that User can perform by logging in with his/her username and password at www.pmspeed.com.

4.2 The questions prepared by "Arge Group" are preparation questions for the PMP® (Project Management Professional) certification exam conducted by PMI® (Project Management Institute).

5- Use Restrictions:

5.1 All copyrights of presentations, images, texts and questions belong to "Arge Grup". User; cannot use presentations, images, texts or questions without permission from "Arge Group".

5.2 In case of unauthorized mass display or use of the product, the organization, company or institution that makes the display; is obliged to pay the required usage fee for each person participating in the activity to "Arge Group". User who provides or shares the password information in question is responsible for any legal and criminal sanctions that may arise.

5.3 It is strictly prohibited to reproduce, copy, publish or distribute the questions obtained through the service received in any field.

6- Acceptance of the Agreement:

6.1 If you want to become a member of www.pmspeed.com, simply fill out the user information form and accept the user agreement and confirm the "I have read and accept the agreement" option at the bottom of the form.

7- Subject of the Agreement:

7.1 “Arge Group” provides PMP preparation questions over the internet to the member who approves the contract.

8- Contract Price and Payment:

The contract price, including all taxes, is the package question simulator fee stated in writing on the www.pmspeed.com website. It is necessary to perform the required operation exactly as shown on the website. “Arge Group” is not responsible for any problems that may occur in membership and payment due to mistakes made by the member in this regard.

8.2 The costs of payments made via credit card over the internet are automatically deducted from the member's credit card. Questions shall be available once the payment transaction is confirmed.

9- Return Conditions:

9.1 The buyer cannot request cancellation after purchasing the question bank in the application he/she purchased. Digital products are not refundable due to the fact that they are immediately accessible services. It is not possible to request a refund by refraining from receiving it.

10- Special Provisions:

10.1 Within the scope of the contract, the member assign a User name (email address) and password that have not been chosen by other members before. The selection and protection of the User name (e-mail address) and password is entirely the responsibility of the member. The password is known only by the member. Members who enter their password incorrectly can have their password sent to their e-mail address from the "I forgot my password" section. The selection and protection of the password is entirely User's responsibility. www.pmspeed.com (Arge Group) is not responsible for any problems that may arise from those who use their password incorrectly.

10.2 In order for User to connect to services that require membership, User must enter the User name (e-mail address) and password correctly. This process is defined as logging in. The services that the member shall benefit from shall be shown to the member after logging in, depending on the packages they have paid for.

10.3 Becoming a User is personal. It cannot be transferred or made available to anyone else.

10.4 User, while benefiting from the services provided by "Arge Group", declares that the information in the User Information form is correct and that responsibility belongs to him/her for damages caused by incorrect or incomplete information in cases where this information is necessary (such as forgetting a password), in which case his membership may be terminated. During the continuation of membership, User is obliged to provide the necessary information requested to "Arge Group" completely and accurately.

10.5 User is obliged to inform "Arge Group" about any information changes such as Address, telephone etc. The buyer agrees to fully cover any damages that may arise from situations where this information is incorrect or incomplete, and the buyer also accepts any liability that may arise from this situation. User agrees that the address specified when signing up is the valid notification address, and that if it changes, he/she shall notify the other party in writing within 5 days, otherwise notifications to this address shall be deemed valid.

10.6 USER accepts and undertakes that the copyright of the services and software provided by www.pmspeed.com belongs to "Arge Group" and that he/she will not reproduce, distribute, publish or market these software, documents or services without permission under any circumstances

10.7 User agrees that "Arge Group" shall not be responsible for any damages that may occur due to reading of User data by unauthorized persons without negligence of "Arge Group".

10.8 If User who accepts the contract sends the document showing his/her success in the exam (exam result document, certificate, etc.) to "Arge Group" after receiving the service, he/she is deemed to have accepted that he has given his /her consent to the use of the document by Orion.

10.9 User accepts that www.pmspeed.com has the right to take necessary interventions, exclude the member from the service and terminate the membership if User violates the rules.

10.10 User agrees that he/she shall not hold "Arge Group" liable for any problems arising from the internet related to the use of the service.

10.11 User undertakes not to engage in damaging work or actions that will damage the site in general or put www.pmspeed.com in a litigious situation with other sites. Otherwise he/she shall be responsible for any damages arising from this.

10.12 All intellectual rights of the original artworks and design products included in the online education program belong to the relevant work and design owners and are protected according to Law No. 5846. Downloading, copying, reproducing all kinds of written and visual (video, photo, etc.) content on the www.pmspeed.com website, publishing it on a website or any other field, displaying frames, i-frames and similar forms within a website, providing links without permission are prohibited. Contrary behavior shall constitute crimes in accordance with the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, and users of the www.pmspeed.com website who engage in such behaviors accepts, declares and undertakes to pay at least 200,000 USD (Two Hundred Thousand American Dollars) as a penalty for each violation reserving the right for surplus, that that this penal clause is not exorbitant, that "Arge Group" may increase this penalty amount depending on the severity of the violation and fault, and that he/she shall not request abatement from the courts.

10.13 Persons under the age of 18 (eighteen) cannot buy into Arge Group. The seller assume that the age stated by the buyer in the contract is correct. However, the seller cannot be held liable under no circumstances if the buyer writes the age incorrectly.

10.14 Arge Group is not liable for any promotional or price errors that may occur due to the system, design or illegal interventions on the website. The buyer cannot claim against Arge Grup based on system errors.

11- Force Majeure:

11.1 If the contractual obligations become unenforceable by the parties due to reasons not under the control of the parties, such as natural disasters, fires, explosions, civil wars, wars, riots, social movements, declaration of mobilization, strikes, lockouts and epidemics, infrastructure and internet failures, power outages, the parties are not responsible for this.

12- Validity Of The Agreement in Partial Nullity:

12.1 If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid, void, unenforceable or against the law; this shall not invalidate the validity of the remaining provisions of the agreement in whole or in part.

13- Applicable Law:

13.1 In case of any disputes that may arise regarding this agreement, the provisions in this agreement shall be applied primarily, and where there is no provision in this agreement, Turkish Laws shall be applied.

14- Competent Courts and Enforcement Offices:

14.1 All disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be finally resolved before Turkish Bar Association Arbitration Center by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Turkish Bar Association Arbitration Center. The language of the arbitration shall be Turkish. The place of arbitration is Ankara/Turkey. Turkish law will be applied to the merits of the dispute.

14.2 The Number of Arbitrators is applied as stipulated in the Arbitration Rules of the Turkish Bar Association Arbitration Center.

15- This contract is deemed to have been established as article 15 (fifteen) with the mutual consent and consent of the parties when Buyer purchases the service/product from Seller. By purchasing services/products from Seller, Buyer is deemed to have approved and accepted this agreement. This agreement enters into force when Buyer purchases services from the Seller.
